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If you are looking for a one night stand or a casual encounter, then it is your destination. Create an account for free today! Location: Arnold, KS, sexy swinging couples in Kansas. The leading personals network for dating, romance, marriage and fun! Chat with millions of singles worldwide. Post your ad for free today to get started

Swinging couples in Arnold, KS

Arnold, KS

CURIOUS AND EXCITED ABOUT THE EXPERIENCE. I LIKE FULL BODY MASSAGES. I ENJOY BEING TOUCHED AND CHERISHED AND LIKE WHAT MY BODY CAN DO FOR OTHERS. I DON'T HAVE ORGASMS, BUT LOVE SEX. MANY WANT TO TAKE THAT AS A CHALLENGE LIKE THE SWORD AND THE STONE. Some may also find this boring. Sorry, I try. I'VE HAD NO EXPERIENCE WITH THIS SO I AM A LITTLE SCARED. BE Patient, I'm willing to learn. This is all educational for me (and fun!) FYI my measurments are 35-28-35 and I weigh about 130 lbs. I feel a little uncomfortable giving oral to a guy but I love penetration. I can't do anal either. (it hurts too much)My free time is very limited so I am rather selective.(invite me to a party)Sometime it might be nice to have a nice evening together and have sex for dessert instead of just meet and fuck. I'M DIFFERENT FROM OTHERS IN THAT I WANT TO BE A PHYSICAL AND EMOTIONAL SUPPORT. I WANT TO HOLD YOU AND OBSORB ALL YOUR PAIN AND LONLINESS. I FEEL GOOD WHEN I MAKE OTHERS FEEL GOOD. CLEAN AND DISEASE FREE ATTRACTIVE COUPLE WANTED. I'm not looking to play with just the husband or just the wife but both. I need to see face shots. I don't like pictures of cocks and cunts. They all look the same to me. I like a sense of humor and the ability to write a legible profile. I like role play and fantasy. Let me fullfill yours.
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Arnold, KS swing club

Wow...what fun we have! :)
Hey we are an attractive couple that are secure in our relationship but we are really looking to take our sex life to the next level. He is 5'9, dark hair and eyes. She has brown hair sometimes its blonde...long with brown eyes. We are not a skinny couple, but we are both very attractive. We both have great faces and are confident in ourselves! - If you see us and are interested... yahell us str8malebifemetn... If I.. the female could have exactly what I wanted in a woman...it would be a bibbw that is latino. I love most all women...especially nice curvy ones. I love dark hair and eyes, and at the same time love blue eyes and light hair! In a man, I generally like for them to be taller and smell good. Looking for an attractive female or friend with benefits to have fun with or even a couple...:) We both agree that we want someone who is not insecure about themselves, no matter your shape size , looks, or ethnic background .No strings attached. Must be discreet. We are both professionals and somewhat known out in the community. Looking for a girl to hang out with and get to know and maybe pursue some intimate encounters with in the future. We don't want any game players. We have been ready for this for a long time. If we chat and you lead us on to believe that its gonna go farther, let's do it. Don't tell us we are going to do it and then start avoiding us...or making excuses! We really don't pressure ANYONE for ANYTHING. We prefer to meet up and hang out with no strings attached and if the chemistry is there, then lets go. As far as single men go, feel free to contact us. Hubby would love to get to watch a man fuck his wife but most men are scared to do it. We really prefer non smokers!!! We love dark hair and eyes. Latino women are the bomb... but we also love light hair and bright eyes. Don't let that make ya not speak to us.
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More Kansas swingers KS Arnold, KS swinging couples

Arnold, KS swingers

Come Play Strip Bingo
I am a 27 year old slim and beautiful Russian national. I visit UK frequently to be with my boyfriend. When I am in England we want to arrange strip bingo parties where my boyfriend is the caller and I am the prize. Basically the rules are as follows. Each party will be for 12 men. They will each 'obtain' a "book" of 6 bingo tickets which will be used as follows. For the first 4 games we will wait for the first person to call house. I will go over to him and kiss him deeply. Then I will check his card. If it is a correct call he will stand facing me and remove one of my clothes. (I will only be wearing 4). Then I will sit on his lap during the next game and he can snog and grope me in any way he wishes. After game 5 the prize is a little different. I will already be naked and so after checking the card of a genuine call, I will kneel in front of the winner and uncover his dick. As game 6 proceeds I will suck his cock until the game is over or he fills my mouth whichever comes first. The prize for game six is simply that after uncovering the cock oft he winner I will sit on his lap and he can fuck me and fill my cunt. First party likely to be in week commencing 16 July. Looking forward to hearing from all you horny lads. Please note no age, shape, or racial barriers. Part of the thril is that we won't know what you look like till you turn up. WE ARE GETTING A LOT OF E MAILS. DUE TO PROBLEMS WITH OUR ACCOUT A FEW DAYS AGO WE WERE NOT ABLE TO SET UP A GAME THIS MONTH. I WON'T BE BACK IN UK UNTIL SEPTEMBER SO IF YOU HAVE EXPRESSED INTEREST AND DON'T HEAR ANYTHING FOR A WHILE WE HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN YOU. IT LOOKS LIKE WE MAY HAVE TO ORGANISE 10 TO 12 GAMES WHEN I COME NEXT TIME. i AM GETTING VERY WET JUST THINKING ABOUT IT. ALSO PLEASE DON'T ASK FOR ANY OTHER PHOTOS. YOU WILL HAVE TO PLAY IF YOU WANT TO SEE MORE!! ALSO AS WE STOP IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS AROUND THE UK WHEN I AM IN ENGLAND I WILL BE CHANGING MY LOCATION LISTED HERE EVERY FEW WEEKS TO BE SURE WE HAVE TAKERS AT ALL THE LOCATIONS.
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Location: Arnold, KS

Arnold, KS pusy

I have no time for a serious relationship, I need to have a lot of sex.
I have two kids, I have been divorced for 3 years. I tried to do the relationship thing, but it didn't work. I love having sex and would like to find someone to have sex with no strings attached!!I'm in the mood for a creative fuck buddy in my life. Sexually, I'm pretty wild, but only if the chemistry is right. For me a perfect Friday night is looking for adventure-and finding it. I like to find out where all the good times are. I've reached the point where simple, uncomplicated sex is all I need and all I want. I look forward to whatever life brings. I'm not changing my life, I'm changing how I live it. If you contact me please include a face pic.
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From: Arnold, KS

Arnold, KS adult dating

sex .chat. photos swap. making photos with or with out you.
PLEASE EVERYONE VOTE ON OUR PROFILE PICS.AND GIVE ANY IDEAS FOR THE NEW ONES TO BE.We are looking to posiibly explore a 3 some. MAINLY JUST WANT GOOD SEX FEMALES OR COUPLES THAT WANT TO HAVE safe no strings make you wanna scream for more sex
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Kansas swingers KS >> Arnold, KS

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