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If you are looking for a one night stand or a casual encounter, then it is your destination. Create an account for free today! Location: Augusta, KS, sexy swinging couples in Kansas. The leading personals network for dating, romance, marriage and fun! Chat with millions of singles worldwide. Post your ad for free today to get started

Swinging couples in Augusta, KS

Augusta, KS

The right to remain silent
If you're looking for tropical sleaze, you've come to the wrong place. I am sweet, not slutty but I do have a very high libido and a crazy imagination. While I would consider myself to be more perverted than most men, I'm not into playing with couples, so please NO orgy invites, swinging/swapping crap....not my thing!!! @_@ I believe you should do something only because you really want to & it genuinely turns you on, not because you're looking for some self-help formula to make sex more interesting, to spice up your otherwise boring sex life I like men who are decisive, know what they want and go for it... I don't like wishy-washyness. There are 2 kinds of desperation in this world - the kind driven by deep desire, and the kind that says, hey any p ussy I can get my hands on will do. So you must be selective & not want to screw just anything on sight/site!!! You must have dignity and confidence. I really don't like men who whine and act like women in some ways. I love a man who can talk and knows what to say - but don't ask me what that is, that would be cheating! There must be an originality in his thinking & manner. Brawn is nothing without brains. Oh & must be able to speak pretty good English or be a native speaker of English, I will not reply to incoherent messages or talk further with guys I cannot communicate with. I also have a thing for manly voices + nice accents.
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Augusta, KS swing club

Hot to the Touch & Loving
The philosophy I live by is be the Good Time everybody wants to have. I get along best with people who know how to keep a secret. In my free time I like to screw constantly. On Sunday afternoons I like to take things easy, getting ready for the work week ahead. Sexually, I'm insatiable. Think you can keep up with me? To me, traveling means broadening horizons. I'm not changing my life, because things are great the way they are. If you contact me bear in mind that I'm just looking for a fuck buddy, not a soulmate. I look forward to screwing your brains out. well hung men,for a discreet relationship...and sorry to say ..yes size does matter guys,also a cam is a must,sorry guys but pics can lie,not into cyber to much, but i wanna see that dick in full erection,so i can see the actual size...i prefer 8 inches or more, i fuck at my house only,,,,i feel safer there,and mostly on the week-end but i have had so through the week,,so if u can handle all that and have a cam to prove your size write me....i do have a cam
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More Kansas swingers KS Augusta, KS swinging couples

Augusta, KS swingers

I am a cock hungry girl who likes to eat the occasional pussy. I am petite with a nice round ass and decent sized breasts. I love big dicks and don't discriminate but lets face it most of the big ones are dark. Feel free to prove me wrong fellas.
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Location: Augusta, KS

Augusta, KS pusy

seeking randomn sexual encounters
I am a 27 year old female looking for some random, no strings attached, fucking....if you enjoy my pics and are interested please contact me...pics are a must...guys, ladies and couples WELCOME! PICS ARE A MUST.OK seriously, is it to much for a girl to ask to have two or three hot guys come gangbang me?
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From: Augusta, KS

Augusta, KS adult dating

Not your average intellectual slut...
Don't get the wrong idea, I'm here for fun, but I gradually am growing tired of meaningless encounters. It seems to me that too often people mis-represent whom they are and what they want just to get laid. If I wanted nothing more than a succession of one night stands, I'd be a hetaera and be properly appreciated for my talents. I think the best sex between two people develops over time, and one time things are too hit and miss. I have too often finding myself not getting what I need, much less what I want. Brilliantly brainy, sexy and single. I'm not just here to exchange witty emails, but I have to admit that I'm a big fan of the written flirtation. I definitely appreciate a good looking man, but I really want to interact on an intellectual level first. I love talking about sex, sometimes as much as doing it. Also, if you can make me really laugh, so much the better. I'd vastly prefer there to be no drama - no jealous girlfriends or current wives hanging around in the picture. Please be open-minded and inventive, able to mix things up every once in a while. If I wanted to do the same thing all the time, I'd not be on this site, would I? My first point of interest is always the mind, the conversation, the dialog. You don't have to be a rocket scientist, but if you can't at least prove you are intelligent, it's not going to go very far. I am not sure I can always say what it is about someone that captures my interest, but those one line messages with nothing but vital statistics and cock shots really don't do it for me, sorry. I find myself very attracted to taller men, but since I'm five-two, almost everyone is taller than me. I also am a sucker for a guy on a motorcycle with a few days of stubble. I'm looking for someone close to my age, or at least under 50.
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Kansas swingers KS >> Augusta, KS

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